Thursday, January 20, 2011


Five hours a day,
That's the way,
A week to lift the spirit,
Sit in Green or Red or Blue, 
That gum, you must not chew it.

This way that, 
Don't wear a hat,
Please "Get in the building."
Sing with the rest, 
and you'll be blessed,
Your morals need the gilding. 

Please, please come in, 
and let's be friends, 
Fear God. Give us your money.
And laugh and laugh at all our jokes,
Though they're not all that funny.

Fundraiser for the Christian right...
Loan us your bleedin' pennies.
It's a spectacle of majesty, 
Are not our splendors many?

Save your lofty rhetoric,
I'll wait until you live it, 
The ushers reek of razor-speak,
Push and demand and pivot.

Believe! Believe! and 
Follow us to metal euthanasia!
No thanks....
I'm good.
I'll see ya.